
Hey, Warden. Yeah, we’re processing this new inmate…

Hey, Warden. Yeah, we’re processing this new inmate right now, but he’s in kind of a weird situation. He showed up wearing a chastity cage. He said his ex locked him in it before the sentencing as some kind of payback.

Yeah, it’s very sturdy. Well made. No, there’s no chance of anyone taking it apart and using it as a weapon. It’s stuck on there for good.

The prison doc said a hospital could remove it if we wanted, but there’s no actual medical need to remove it. She emphasized that she would be happy to medically certify the device. And that he could serve his entire sentence wearing that thing. Three to five years.

Here, I’m sending you a pic. It’s a perfect fit for him, right? Looks kinda cute.

Yeah, that’s my thinking too. A hospital transfer is a ton of paperwork after all. As long as he promises to behave and not cause any trouble about wearing his little cage. I’ll just send him to the women’s wing and call it a day.

They’re gonna make him their bitch. Unless he wants to be moved to the men’s wing, he’ll shut up about it and serve his time.

Thanks, Warden, sounds good. My lunch break is coming up, so I’m gonna find an empty cell now and try out the prison’s new boy toy.