Well, subbie, your cock cage has finally arrived. Don’t worry though, I won’t be putting you into it yet. In fact, you won’t have to wear it for quite a long time, assuming that you remain on your best behaviour.
See, I’m planning something special with you. I like to call it a reverse lockup countdown.
Usually I’ll lock up my subbie cocks and then count down the days until I release them from their chastity.
But for you, I’m going to leave your naughty cock free, and unlocked for a good long time. There will still be a countdown, but during that time, you’ll get to live your life cage-free.
However, when the day comes that your countdown is finished. That’s when your chastity begins, and it will be permanent. Do you understand what I’m telling you? You’ll serve me, worship me, submit to me, do everything that my subbies always do for me, and do it all with free access to your cock, but in the back of your mind… You’ll know that there’s always this countdown ticking away, counting down the days before you lose access to your dick once and for all. Forever.
Mmm, isn’t that thought just delicious? Just think about how hard you’ll try to make the best out of the time you have. I bet you keep yourself cumming multiple times every day. Knowing that it won’t be an option for you for much longer. Imagine how desperate you’ll get as the end date draws closer. You’ll do everything you can to experience as much pleasure as possible. You’ll regret all the things you didn’t do – all the time you spent missing out on the one thing you won’t be able to get for the rest of your life.
I bet you’ll be a complete mess when the day finally comes for me to lock up your worn out penis forever. No doubt it’ll be after a night of nonstop masturbation your last ditch effort to keep yourself satisfied for as long as possible… So pathetic.
You’ll cry, and beg me to change my mind, to let you keep your penis for a bit longer, to give you a new countdown for when I’ll lock you after all. None of those things will happen. I’ll just be smiling sweetly as I slide your cock into its new home, and snap the lock shut. There will be NO key.
So, your reverse lockup countdown begins now. I’m going to be extremely nice and give you 10 whole years of fun to look forward to. I know it sounds like a lot to you, but when you see how quickly I start removing days from the countdown, you won’t feel like I’m being nice to you anymore. For example, if you make a noise while I’m cropping your balls tonight, you can say goodbye to a whole six months of access to your cock. Get it?